Cardiology clinic
Head of clinic
Rajka Lulić Jurjević, MD, PhD
Mladen Viljevac, MD (spec. ped.; subspec. pediatric cardiologist)
Karmen Hengster Movrić, bacc. med. techn.
Ivana Drmić, bacc. med. techn.
Darija Sudić, bacc. med. techn.
Working hours
08 - 16 h
This unit provides check-up and non-invasive cardiological management of children from birth to 18 years of age, who are referred to this unit due to suspicion of structural heart failure, heart murmur, stabbing chest pain, cardiac rhythm disorders and incresead heart pressure, as well as children suffering from pulmonary diseases where cardiological problems might occur as a complication of chronic lung disease. We perform ECG with interpretation.
We provide ultrasound exam of the fetal heart in pregnant women ranging from the 16th week of gravidity to childbirth.